About Me
About Me
About Me
Hi, I’m Omar, I’m 16 and I’m currently a 2nd Grade Bachelorship student. Since I was a little child I was interested in everything that had to do with arts, and specially with MUSIC, I guess because of my father, who played in a couple of bands as a drummer, and I gotta say he had quite a good taste in music, but it wasn’t until I was 12 that I started to create my own music through a COMPUTER. The place you’re visiting right now is a site where I’ll post all kind of information in relation with my project “CREATING A PROFESSIONAL MUSIC ALBUM” such as progress in the main aspects of the project, demos, news and helpful information to understand better what’s going on here.
OK, so the aim of this project is clear: MAKING A PROFESSIONAL SOUNDING MUSIC ALBUM with what a typical young teen interested in music would have within reach, but there are some other goals behind the main premise. With the realization of this project I want to tell what’s behind the MUSIC INDUSTRY.
I love the idea of being able to create a album where I can express my talent as a PRODUCER, but at the same time I want to show how it’s done, how many work hours are spent in order to build a project of this scale, and on top of that, expose how the musical industry has changed, and how this affects us as CREATORS and you as a CONSUMER.
Because of what music means to me.
Music has been my main focus for the last 5 years, and it has helped me in a lot of difficult situations. These last years I started to realize the power that this art gives to the people that know how to approach it the correct way, and so this has lead me to start my own bussiness as a Music producer. It's been 3 years now since I sold my first instrumental and it's been a long way since then. I've learn loads of new things and i've been working all day long to improve my skills. So, because of this improvement, I decided I was ready to go a step further, and try to explore new areas of the music industry by brave myself with a totally new challenge for me.